APSYS: Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems
(every year, 100% sponsored by SIGOPS)
ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages & Operating Systems
(every year, 25% sponsored by SIGOPS)
EuroSys: European Conference on Computer Systems
(every year, 100% sponsored by SIGOPS and EuroSys)
PODC: Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
(every year, 50% sponsored by SIGOPS)
SOCC: Symposium on Cloud Computing
(every year, 50% sponsored by SIGOPS)
SOSP: Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
(every year, 100% sponsored by SIGOPS)
Diversity workshop @ SOSP & OSDI
SYSTOR: ACM International Systems & Storage Conference
(every year, 100% sponsored by SIGOPS)
VEE: Annual International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments
(every year, 50% sponsored by SIGOPS)
HotStorage: ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems
(every year, 100% sponsored by SIGOPS, in-cooperation status with USENIX)