The Hall of Fame Award 2020

The SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award (HoF) was instituted in 2005 to recognize the most influential Operating Systems papers that were published at least ten years in the past. The selection committee for 2020 consisted of Tom Anderson, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, and Brad Chen. The following two papers were selected. The 2020 SIGOPS Hall of Fame … Read more

The Mark Weiser Award 2020

The Mark Weiser Award was created in 2001 by ACM SIGOPS, to be given to an individual who has demonstrated creativity and innovation in operating systems research. The award is named in honor of Mark Weiser, a computing visionary recognized for his research accomplishments during his career at Xerox PARC. The award committee for 2020 … Read more

The Dennis M. Ritchie Thesis Award 2020

The Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award was created in 2013 by ACM SIGOPS to recognize research in software systems and to encourage the creativity that Dennis Ritchie embodied, providing a reminder of Ritchie’s legacy and what a difference one person can make in the field of software systems research. The Award committee for 2020 … Read more