Evaluating the New ASPLOS Review Process

TL;DR The ASPLOS Steering Committee (SC) is soliciting feedback on the new review process introduced with ASPLOS 2023. The SC welcomes input on the impact of the new process and changes being contemplated for ASPLOS 2026. Please read this whole post then complete this online survey by Nov 8, 2024. Growing Pains In 2021, the ASPLOS SC solicited input on … Read more

Response to Change in the ASPLOS Conference Submission Process

In late November, the ASPLOS Steering Committee published a proposal to change the paper submission process for ASPLOS by introducing three deadlines per year and the possibility of resubmitting a paper. The Steering Committee asked the ASPLOS community for its opinion of the changes and suggestions for improvement.  64 people responded, and an overwhelming majority strongly … Read more

Why We Should Include One-Shot Revision in our Review Process

Editor’s notes: The post originally appeared on the SIGARCH blog. We cross-post it because it is very relevant to the SIGOPS community. We hope the cross-posting can trigger discussions on improving the publication process of the SIGOPS community. Including one-shot revision in our peer review process could lead to lower overall reviewing load, better mental … Read more